PhD Defence Nadav Katan - Informed Phrasing

Geplaatst op 01 Jul 2024

N Adav Katan phd
On Friday May 24, 2024, Nadav Katan has defended his doctoral research at University Leiden.

Friday June 24 2024
10u00 - 12u00

Gele zaal, Koninklijk Conservatorium Antwerpen
Desguinlei 25
2018 Antwerpen

Promotoren: Bart Eeckhout (UAntwerpen), Frank Agsteribbe (Koninklijk Conservatorium Antwerpen)

Jury: Timmy De Laet (voorzitter), Marlies De Munck, Giusy Caruso, Camilla Köhnken, John Koslovsky, Bart Eeckhout en Frank Agsteribbe

Public defence of the PhD 'Informed Phrasing', executed between September 2018 and September 2024 at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp and University Antwerp (ARIA), within the research group ‘Performance in Perspective’


The PhD project 'Informed Phrasing' delves into the intricate and often contentious relationship between music analysis and performance from an artistic, performative standpoint. With a primary focus on the Phrasing aspect of musical performance, the project explores the points of contact and interactions between Schenkerian analysis, Gestalt psychology, musical performance, and embodied music cognition. Through this exploration, a performative-analytical process emerges, firmly grounded in performance experience, with the aim of stimulating individual creativity and fostering expressivity.